News about the CPWP
An international conference on the theme “Comparative Philosophy toward World Philosophy”, co-organized by the International Society for Comparative Philosophy toward World Philosophy [as its 1st term of “Comparative Philosophy toward World Philosophy” conference series] and the open-access international journal, Comparative Philosophy (ISSN: 2151-6014 <>), and co-sponsored and hosted by the Center for Comparative Philosophy, San Jose State University, USA, will be held virtually during the week of April 18 (Monday) -23 (Saturday) April 2022, with panel sessions arranged in a scattered way sensitive to the speakers/participants’ different international time zones and other relevant situational elements, instead of all sessions one by one within one or two days.
The topics and contents in the conference are expected to be philosophically interesting in a general and cross-traditional way and in view of the contemporary development of philosophy, instead of being only locally interesting to ones working merely in one tradition or merely on historical/descriptive topics.
For the current (2022-1-28) version of the "Description" document of this conference event, see the section "1st CPWP International Virtual Conference on “Comparative Philosophy toward World Philosophy” in the January 2022 issue of CPWP Newsletter (pages 12-14).
[For the previous (2021-8-10) version of its "Call for Participations as Speakers/Discussants/Critics" document, please click here.]
CPWP Newsletters
CPWP Newsletter Issue 1 (January 2022)
CPWP Newsletter Issue 2 (January 2023)
CPWP Newsletter Issue 3 (January 2024)
CPWP Newsletter Issue 4 (January 2025)
(APR-MAY 2025)
The Society is organizing its 2nd International Virtual Conference – “Comparative Philosophy toward World Philosophy” every Thursday evening from April 24 to May 29, 2025 at 7 pm to 9 pm, Pacific Time. The conference follows up from the successful First International Conference, which was held in April 2022, also in the virtual format.
The Society emphasizes (but is not limited to) the constructive engagement of distinct approaches and resources from different philosophical traditions (whether distinguished culturally or by style/orientation) or from (ancient) philosophical tradition and contemporary scholarship (philosophy or other intellectual pursuits). We inquire into how these traditions can talk to and learn from one another.
We are also interested in how these traditions can make joint contributions to the contemporary development of philosophy through treating a range of (perennial, existing or newly identified) issues of philosophical value and significance that can be jointly concerned and approached via appropriate philosophical interpretation and from a higher and/or broader philosophical vantage point.
The academic activities organized by the Society are expected to be on topics and contents that can be philosophically interesting to its general membership and in view of the CPWP mission and emphasis, instead of being only locally interesting to ones working merely in one tradition or merely on historical/descriptive topics.
Papers are being called for the Second International Virtual Conference of the Society on the theme “Comparative Philosophy toward World Philosophy.” We are interested in papers that carry out cross-tradition engaging examination of a range of philosophical issues that are (or can be) jointly concerned and approached by distinct resources from different philosophical traditions (through appropriate philosophical interpretation and from a broader and/or higher philosophical vantage point). For example, an examination of the issue of the Self from the Western and Buddhist perspectives, or an investigation of an issue in bioethics from the Confucian standpoint and from the standpoint of a Western ethical theory. Papers that deal with methodological issues, such as on how to achieve “constructive engagement” leading to a truly global philosophy, are welcome too. However, papers that do not fall directly within these domains, but are of interest to a wider audience cutting across traditions, are welcome too.
Please send an abstract of your presentation to Soraj Hongladarom at for consideration of presentation at the Conference. Abstract should be between 200 to 500 words. The deadline of submission is April 4, 2025.
The Conference is co-organized by the international journal Comparative Philosophy (ISSN: 2151-6014 <>), and co-sponsored and hosted by the International Buddhist Studies College, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University (MCU) <> and the Center for Science, Technology, and Society, Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University <>.
The Zoom link and other practical information will be sent later to successful participants.
News about academic events which are relevant to CPWP's mission and in which CPWP members participate
Notes on upcoming CPWP-related academic-exchange and engaging-discussion events in Summer 2024:
<1> As highlighted in the CPWP Constitution, one of the aims of the CPWP is to provide the members and interested colleagues with effective platforms and channels for the sake of "facilitating academic exchange and discussion of ideas among interested philosophers in various regions view of the CPWP strategic goal [i.e., "promoting comparative philosophy as a general way of doing philosophy through cross-tradition engagement toward philosophy, which seeks dialogue, mutual understanding and learning, complementarity, and joint contributions "] (cited from Clause 2.1); in the past three years, the CPWP Executive Board (2021-24) has made efforts in (co-)coordinating and/or (co-)sponsoring a range of workshops and/or roundtable sessions at conferences so as to provide the interested members and colleagues with opportunities of such platforms and channels of academic-exchange and engaging discussion. The following three events are upcoming ones in summer 2024.
<2> Also as indicated in the CPWP Constitution, the CPWP is "constructively open for academic cooperation with some other institutions or associations that more or less share the same goal and concerns and have distinct but complementary emphases and/or coverages" (cited from Clause 2.4); in the following events of summer 2024, the CPWP are in cooperation with the journal Comparative Philosophy and the International Society for Comparative Studies of Chinese and Western Philosophy (ISCWP): either as co-coordinate or as co-sponsor.
<3> In each of the three upcoming events, interested members and colleagues are welcome to participate in it (on scene or via OWL). If one is interested in presenting one’s (unpublished) research (at the later stage of the research) on the theme for critical discussion, please send a relatively detailed abstract to the coordinating team at the contact email address of the event before 15 June 2024: if the topic/content of one’s submission is rendered fitting the theme and relevant academic expectations, one will receive the notice for its presentation soon. If one is interested in just attending it or as a non-obligatory discussant, please contact us at the contact email address for further relevant details.
Roundtable Sessions
at 25th World Congress of Philosophy
(1-8 August 2024, Rome Italy, <>)
Roundtable Session (invited)
co-sponsored by CPWP and the journal Comparative Philosophy
Theme: "Approaching Philosophy Across Boundaries: Constructive Engagement and Normative Bases"
Co-Coordinators & Co-Sponsors: CPWP and the journal Comparative Philosophy
[17:00-19:00, 3 August 2024, CU001/Aula Organi Collegiali, Sapienza University of Rome]
Bo Mou (San Jose State University, USA)
[Contact email address:]
Listed participants (Speakers on scene and via OWL online):
Hongladarom, Soraj (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)
Kahteran, Nevad (University Of Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina)
Mei, Jianhua (Shanxi University, China)
Mou, Bo (San Jose State University, USA)
Nickhol, Sacrlet (Independent Scholar, USA)
Ojimba, Anthony Chimankpam (University Of Nigeria, Nigeria)
This roundtable examines some foundational theoretic and methodological issues involved in one representative strategic approach (sometimes labeled “constructive-engagement” approach) to philosophy across boundaries, which has been theoretically explored and carried out in the reflective practice (especially since the start of this century); among others, the discussion is on the issue of normative bases for cross-tradition engagement in philosophy in two related connections:
<1> how it is possible for different philosophical traditions with distinct ultimate realities to have common normative bases for talking about the same things differently and having jointly concerned issues with distinct approaches and thus constructively engaging with (instead of passing by) and learn from (instead of dismissing) each other to make joint contributions to the development of philosophy; <2> how it is possible for plural methodologies in cross-tradition engagement to have unifying normative bases.
Roundtable Session
Theme: "Comparative Studies of Chinese Philosophy Toward World Philosophy"
Co-Coordinators and Co-sponsors: International Society for Comparative Studies of Chinese and Western Philosophy (ISCWP) and the journal Comparative Philosophy
Co-Sponsor: CPWP
[13:00-15:00, 6 August 2024, CU002/Aula 201, Sapienza University of Rome]
Bo Mou (San Jose State University, USA)
[Contact email address:]
Listed participants (Speakers on scene and via OWL online):
Chen, Cuiting (Wuhan University, China)
Dai, Yuanfang (Michigan State University, USA)
Ding, Xiaojun (Xi’an Jiaotong University, China)
Jing, Qi (UCLA, USA)
Kahteran, Nevad (University of Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina)
Liu, Yuedie (Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China)
Mason, Joshua (Loyola Marymount University, USA)
Zhou, Hongyin & Chen, Yuqi (Nankai University, China)
This roundtable examines the theme of how comparative studies of Chinese philosophy toward world philosophy is possible, given comparative philosophy as a general way of doing philosophy through cross-tradition engagement toward world philosophy. The theme has three dimensions: <1> its nature dimension that guides such studies to do philosophy instead of merely historical description of what appear similar and different; <2> its approach dimension that guides such studies to go through the method of cross-tradition engagement (critically engaging with while constructively learning from each other); <3> its direction nature that guides such studies to move toward world philosophy in which such studies contribute to the contemporary development of philosophy on a range of issues that can be jointly concerned in different traditions and bring about the constructive social impact on the development of the human society worldwide. This roundtable consists of both general theoretic examination and specific case analyses. It also has its methodological significance on comparative studies of other philosophical traditions toward world philosophy.
"Comparative Philosophy Forum – Beijing” 2024 Workshop
“比較哲學論壇·北京” 2024年學術研討會
“Philosophy of Language/Logic and
Cross-tradition Engagement in Philosophy”
主題: “语言/逻辑哲学與跨传统哲学交锋-交融 ”
(2024-7-21 updated version)
Time 時間: 23rd July 2024, 1pm-5pm (Beijing time / Central European time: 7/23, 7am-11am / US Eastern time: 7/23, 1am-5am / US Pacific time: 7/22, 10pm – 7/23, 2am) / 2024年7月23日,下午一點至五點
Location地點: Conference Room of National Library Hotel, Beijing, China國家圖書館賓館會議室 (北京市中關村南大街33號) and via OWL online [Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:, Password: 1234]
Pre-workshop chat over coffee 12:45 am
Session 1: 13:00-13:45
Chair: MEI, Jianhua (梅剑华 Shanxi University, China)
Speaker: MOU, Bo (牟博San Jose State University, USA)
“How Some Recent Research Fruits in Philosophy of Language and Logic are Substantially Related to
Cross-Tradition Engagement in Philosophy”
Session 2: 13:45-14:30
Chair: LIU, Yuedi (刘悦笛Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China)
Speakers: YE, Jiabin (叶甲斌 Sun Yat-sen University, China)
“Rethinking the Relationship Between Words, Thoughts, and the World”
Session 3: 14:30-15:15
Chair: DING, Xiaojun (丁晓军Xi’an Jiaotong University, China)
Speaker: ZHOU, Hongyin (周宏胤Nankai University, China)
“Several Engaging Questions on the Double-Reference Account”
Session 4: 15:15-16:00
Free discussions on any relevant topics and engaging questions addressed by
any of the core participants (speakers and non-obligatory discussants).
Session 5: 16:00-16:45 [CET: 10:00-11:00]
Chair: HE, Haoping (何浩平 Southeast University, China)
Speaker: SCHNEIDER, Henrique (University of Applied Sciences, Austria)
“Classic Chinese Philosophical Insights into Large Language Models”
Get-together Dinner (free): 17:30
(Location to be announced)
Workshop Description 學術研討會簡介
(2024-7-21 version)
Host & Co-Sponsor 東道主/合辦方:
Comparative Philosophy Forum - Beijing Study Group
Co-Coordinators & Co-Sponsors 學術協調方/合辦方:
- International Society for Comparative Philosophy toward World Philosophy (CPWP) 比較哲學暨世界哲學國際學會
- International philosophy journal Comparative Philosophy 國際哲學雜誌《比較哲學》
Co-Sponsor 合辦方:
- International Society for Comparative Studies of Chinese and Western Philosophy (ISCWP) 國際中西哲學比較研究學會
Time 時間: 23rd July 2024, 1-5pm / 2024年7月23日 ,一點至五點
[on site and through Zoom via OWL]
Location地點: (tentative) Conference Room of National Library Hotel, Beijing, China
北京 / 國家圖書館賓館會議室
“Comparative Philosophy Forum – Beijing Study Group” (an academic study group of voluntary colleagues who share the interest in comparative philosophy as a general way of doing philosophy through cross-tradition engagement toward world philosophy and who have lived and studied (now or before) in Beijing, China), together with International Society for Comparative Philosophy toward World Philosophy (CPWP, <>), and the international journal Comparative Philosophy, <www.comparativephilosophy. org>), will co-sponsor the 2024 workshop of the “Comparative Philosophy Forum – Beijing” on 23rd July 2024, Beijing, China (the actual size/timeline sensitive to the need and number of quality papers).
It is an intensive-research/discussion-oriented workshop on the theme “Philosophy of Language/Logic and Cross-tradition Engagement in Philosophy”, covering a range of related issues including (but not limited to) these:
<1> How recent research fruits in philosophy of language/logic can substantially contribute to our understanding and treatment of normative bases of cross-tradition engagement in philosophy;
<2> How cross-tradition engaging studies on the laws of logic, the issue of identity/reference, etc., have significant impacts on treating a range of issues (including moral and social-political issues) jointly concerned in different philosophical traditions;
<3> How some recent research fruits in philosophy of language/logic can be effectively applied to comparative philosophy;
<4> How/to what extents distinct types of natural languages share the deep semantic-syntactic content/structure through which thoughts delivered in the former can be understood, evaluated and engaged with;
<5> In which aspects and to what extents some of distinct features of distinct natural languages can bear on the folk ways of thinking and reflective modes of doing philosophy in different traditions;
The theme and coverage of the 2024 workshop are inclusive not specifically focusing on some philosophical traditions’ case only; the setting/site of the workshop in Beijing provides distinct opportunities for comparative studies of Chinese philosophy and some other philosophical traditions in relevant connections (thus fitting coverages/interests of both CPWP and ISCWP).
Interested colleagues are welcome to participate in this workshop (as speakers and/or as no-obligation discussants) [for the sake of understanding and participating in in-depth engaging discussion, some learning background in philosophy of language/logic is expected]. If one is interested in presenting one’s (unpublished) research (at the later stage of the research) on the theme for critical discussion, please send an abstract (around 500 words, including references) to the coordinating team at <> and <> by 15 June 2024; if the topic/content of one’s submission is rendered fitting the theme and relevant academic expectations, one will receive the notice for its presentation before 30th June 2024; one is expected to send a relatively detailed outline or its paper to the coordination team by 10th July 2024 (for the sake of the participants’ warming-up preview and of good engaging discussion on scene).
Keynote speaker: Dr. MOU Bo (San Jose State University, USA)
“How Some Recent Research Fruits in Philosophy of Language/Logic Can Substantially Contribute to
the Issue of Normative Bases of Cross-Tradition Engagement in Philosophy”
For further info about host coordination, contact <>.
“Comparative Philosophy Forum – Beijing” 2023 Workshop
“比較哲學論壇·北京” 2023年工作坊學術研討會
Theme: “Comparative Studies of Chinese Philosophy Toward World Philosophy”
主題: “走向世界哲學的中國哲學比較研究 ”
Program 日程
(2023-7-27 version, to be further updated)
Host & Co-Sponsor: Comparative Philosophy Forum - Beijing Study Group
東道主/主辦方: 比較哲學論壇北京研究組
In Cooperation with 學術合作方: (1) International Society for Comparative Studies of Chinese and Western Philosophy (ISCWP) 國際中西哲學比較研究學會; (2) International Society for Comparative Philosophy toward World Philosophy (CPWP) 比較哲學暨世界哲學國際學會; (3) International philosophy journal Comparative Philosophy 國際哲學雜誌《比較哲學》
Main Program [international participants; expected in English; via Zoom through OWL]
1st August 2023, Tuesday, 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
Conference Room of the National Library Hotel (国图宾馆,北京市中关村南大街33号)
(1) To better manage and effectively experiment on this two-track workshop (both on physical scene and through virtual Zoom channel via OWL) and to enhance pre-workshop warming-up preparation for good discussion, interested online participants are expected to make (free) pre-workshop registration by sending one-line email to the coordinating team at <> and <> (the registered online participants are to receive the Zoom link info and pre-workshop warming-up materials).
(2) To have a better understanding and good discussion, the speakers’ detailed outlines will be sent to the core participants for the sake of the participants’ warming-up preview and of good critical discussion on scene.
(3) With consideration of the understanding of international participants of the main program, the language in which to carry out presentations/discussions is English.
Opening Remarks: 09:00-09:05
SUN Wei (孙伟Philosophy Institute, Beijing Academy of Social Sciences, China)
Session 1 (On the Theme): 09:05-10:15
Chair: SUN, Wei
Speaker: MOU, Bo (牟博San Jose State University, USA)
“On Cross-tradition Engaging Studies of Chinese Philosophy toward World Philosophy” (论走向世界哲学的中国哲学比較研究 )
Session 2: 10:15-11:00
Chair: DING, Xiaojun (丁晓军Xi’an Jiaotong University, China)
Speakers: YE, Jiabin (叶甲斌 Sun Yat-sen University, China) & ZHOU, Hongyin (周宏胤Nankai University, China)
“Association of Free Individuals and Tian-Xia: A Possible Dialogue between Two Theories of World” (自由人的联合体和天下:两种世界理论的可能对话)
Session 3: 11:00-11:45 [remote: 23:00-23:45 US Eastern time]
Chair: ZHOU, Hongyin
Speaker: LUO, Shirong (罗轼融 Simmons University, USA)
“A New Look at the Controversy between Confucianism and Legalism and Its Contemporary Significance” (一个看待儒法之争的新视野及其当代意义)
Session 4: 11:45-12:30
Chair: YUAN, Cheng (袁程Capital Normal University, China)
Speaker: LIU, Yuedi (刘悦笛Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China)
“Living Aesthetics: the World and China” (生活美学:全球与中国)
Session 5: 13:30-14:15
Chair: MEI, Jianhua (梅剑华Shanxi University, China)
Speaker: MASON, Joshua (Loyola Marymount University, USA)
“Coming to Truth through Fusion with Chinese Metaphors” (通过与汉语隐喻融合而达成真理)
Session 6: 14:15-15:00 [remote: 14:15-15:00 Guangdong / Hong Kong time]
Chair: MOU, Bo
Speakers: ODA, Takaharu (小田崇晴 Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China) & ZHENG, Jieyou (郑杰友The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China):
“The Buddhist Seng Zhao’s Roots in Neo-Daoism: Ex Contradictione Nihil” (僧肇思想的玄学来源:无来自于矛盾)
Session 6: 15:00-15:45 [remote: 08:00-08:45 UK London time]
Chair: HE, Haoping (何浩平 Southeast University, China)
Speaker: DAI, Yuanfang (戴远方Michigan State University, USA)
“Through the (Intellectual) Looking Glass: An Argument for Chinese Feminist Philosophy in Transcultural Contexts” (透过(学术之)镜:跨文化语境里关于中国女性哲学的论证)
Session 7: 15:45-16:30
Reflective Dialogue on Comparative Studies of Chinese Philosophy toward World Philosophy
“Free” Dialogue Speakers:
DING, Xiaojun (丁晓军Xi’an Jiaotong University, China)
HE, Haoping (何浩平 Southeast University, China)
MEI, Jianhua (梅剑华Shanxi University, China)
YUAN, Cheng (袁程Capital Normal University, China)
Side Program [optional; in Chinese; face-to-face chat]
2nd August 2023, Tuesday
(1) Morning, 9 am – 11am, Salon area (first floor), Mercure Hotel (on scene without zoom)
Informal get-together dialogue chat over some jointly concerned issues related to academic development of Chinese younger scholars in view of the challenges and prospects of the domestic and international academic settings, the issue of philosophical methodology related to cross-tradition engagement, etc.非正式聊天式对谈:关于青年哲学学者在国内外学术环境中学术发展若干问题,关于跨传统交锋-交融的哲学研究方法论问题等。
(2) Afternoon:
A tour with the guide taking a deeper look at one of the main venues for the traditional culture and humanistic scenery in Beijing (“the area of the Eastern Route of the Imperial Inner City & the cultural segment of Wangfujing Street) 北京传统文化人文荟萃地之一深度游 [东皇城根/王府井文化区:隆福寺文化城、中国美术馆、沙滩红楼(五四运动发源地)、北京人艺、明朝东厂、老舍等故居、民盟/民革、…]
“Comparative Philosophy Forum – Beijing” 2023 Workshop
“比較哲學論壇·北京” 2023年學術研討會
Theme / 主題:
"Comparative Studies of Chinese Philosophy Toward World Philosophy”
“走向世界哲學的中國哲學比較研究 ”
Workshop Description / Call for Discussion Papers 學術研討會簡介 / 討論論文徵稿
[2023-7-17 updated version]
Host & Co-Sponsor: Comparative Philosophy Forum - Beijing Study Group
東道主/主辦方: 比較哲學論壇北京研究組
In Cooperation with 學術合作方:
IntInternational Society for Comparative Philosophy toward World Philosophy (CPWP)
比較哲學暨世界哲學國際學會International Society for Comparative Studies of Chinese and Western Philosophy (ISCWP, the Board of the July 2023-June 2026 term) 國際中西哲學比較研究學會
International philosophy journal Comparative Philosophy 國際哲學雜誌《比較哲學》
Time 時間: 1st (& 2nd if in need) August 2023 / 2023年8月1日(2日) / both on site and through Zoom via OWL
Location地點: (tentative, sensitive to the size of the workshop on scene) Conference room of the National Library Hotel (国图宾馆) or the Salon station of 中关村美居酒店, Beijing, China
“Comparative Philosophy Forum – Beijing Study Group” (an academic study group in Beijing, China), in cooperation with International Society for Comparative Philosophy toward World Philosophy (CPWP, <>), International Society for Comparative Studies of Chinese and Western Philosophy (ISCWP, <>, the term of July 2023-June 2026) and the international peer-reviewed journal Comparative Philosophy, <>), will hold the 2023 workshop of the “Comparative Philosophy Forum – Beijing”, on 1st (possible also 2nd) if in need) August 2023, Beijing, China (the size sensitive to the need and number of accepted quality papers). It is an intensive-discussion-oriented workshop focusing on the theme “Comparative Studies of Chinese Philosophy toward World Philosophy”, covering a range of related issues that are worth further in-depth exploration, including (but not limited to) these:How can comparative philosophy (as a general way of doing philosophy through cross-tradition engagement toward world philosophy) significantly contribute to creative studies of Chinese philosophy toward world philosophy?
How can cross-tradition engaging approach play its substantial roles in philosophical interpretation of the classical Chinese texts?
How can relevant approaches/resources of Chinese philosophy and of other philosophical traditions (understood broadly, distinguished either culturally, or by style, or through strategic orientation) constructively engage with and learn from each other and make joint contributions to the development of philosophy worldwide and of contemporary society?
What constructive morals and lessons can be drawn in relevant connections from the previous studies?
and so on …...
Interested colleagues are welcome to participate in this workshop (as speakers and/or no-obligation discussants). If one is interested in presenting one’s (unpublished) research (at the level of being publishable) on the theme for critical discussion, please send an abstract (around 500 words, including references) to the coordinating team at <> and <> by 20th July 2023; if the topic/content of one’s submission is rendered fitting the theme and relevant academic expectations, one will receive the notice for its presentation before 24th July 2023; one is expected to send a relatively detailed outline or its paper to the coordination team by 26th July 2023 (for the sake of the participants’ warming-up preview and of good critical discussion on scene).Keynote speaker: Dr. MOU, Bo (San Jose State University, USA)
“On Cross-tradition Engaging Studies of Chinese Philosophy toward World Philosophy”
[to be updated]
For further info about host coordination, contact <>.
UNESCO's World Philosophy Day 2022 (17 November 2022): celebrate World Philosophy Day 2022, UNESCO and Le Fresnoy - National Studio of Contemporary Arts organize a symposium and exhibition on the theme "The Human of the Future" at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, Room II, from 16 to 18 November 2022. (
The 66th International Congress of Phenomenology
Milan, Via Carlo Bo 1
October 27-28-29, 2022 (held in a blended mode)Conference Program (October 27-28-29, 2022; IULM University, Milan, Italy)
I. General topic
TOPIC: Eco-Imagination for a Sustainable Future
Organized by
The World Phenomenology Institute
William S. Smith, Executive President
Jadwiga S. Smith, Co-President of American Division
Daniela Verducci, Co-President of European/Asian Division
Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Founder †
together with
The Department of Humanities, IULM University, Milan (Italy)
Renato Boccali, Professor of Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art
The aim of the conference is to explore the role of imagination in forming and interpreting our world-in-transformation in view of a sustainable future. The classical phenomenological approach to imagination has focused on the different modes in which we can experience the world and the correlating modes in which the world can appear to us, so that the imagination was strictly conceived in relation to perception. Furthermore, imagining can be considered as an act of experiencing something as possible, opening the virtualities that are latently present in the world. This is particularly true if we consider the life-world and the processes of individualization on the vital level. Using Tymieniecka’s words, the ontopoietic spread of the Logos of Life appears caught up in the turmoil of generative progress that implies a creative imagination that enable the human being to go beyond the simple framework of the life-world, to surpass himself and open a new form of design thinking. This kind of imagination can be also defined as eco-imagination, stressing the importance of the “ecological” dimension of imagination conceived as an ontopoietic creative dynamic, grounded in the human condition within the totality of life’s spread. The expansion of the human condition is thus based on the eco-imagination that activates creative virtualities and thus relates to reality in a new way, deepening the productive dynamic of life. Such an eco-imagination seems therefore to be a useful tool to frame in a new and profitable way our living, or rather the relationship that we have with our world-environment. Eco-imagination is thus the privileged way to the ontopoiesis of life conceived as an eco-phenomenology. A new form of phenomenology of life arises based on eco-imagination in relation to a more general eco-phenomenology. It means a new way of considering the development and genesis of life, promoting environmental sustainability conceived on a large scale.
Contributions that take an interdisciplinary approach are particularly encouraged. All submissions must specifically identify phenomenological aspects of the work.
The conference welcomes contributions in different topics of interest, but are not limited to:
-Environment imagination
_Imagination and eco-phenomenology
-Eco-imagination and sustainability
-Imagination in the autopoiesis/ontopoiesis of the living being
-Architecture, urbanism, and eco-imagination
-Virtual realities and eco-imagination
-Eco-systems and media environments
-Anthropocene and eco-imagination
-Elemental imagination
- Abstracts due: August 15, 2022
- Full papers due: January 27, 2023
- Registration Fee: 50.00 Euro
- Please note that all participants are expected to be members of the World Phenomenology Institute. Membership dues are 30.00 Euro per year
- Registration fee and membership dues must be paid to the W.P.I. by October 29, 2022 to the account no. 67503173, in Daniela Verducci’s name, at Banca Fideuram Spa, Via D. Annibali 112, 62100 Macerata (Italy). IBAN: IT13C0329601601000067503173 SWIFT/BIC: FIBKITMM
- Please submit abstracts and full papers to:
The conference will be held both in person and on-line.
Papers will be considered for publication in the peer-review books series, Analecta Husserliana, The Yearbook of Phenomenological Research and Islamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology in Dialogue. Both series are edited by the World Phenomenology Institute and published by Springer Nature.
II. Specific Topic
Eco-Imagination for a Sustainable Future:
Perspectives from Philosophies in Islam and Asia
Background and Description of the Topic
Philosophies in Islam from the classical era (e.g., al-Kindī d. 873, al-Fārābī d. 950, Ibn Sīnā d. 1037, al-Ġazzālī d. 1111, Ibn Rušd d. 1198, Ibn al-ʻArabī d. 1240) to post-classical (Mullā Ṣadrā d. 1635/40) and current times (Arkūn d. 2010, Ḥanafī d. 2021) onwards debated the quest for knowledge from primarily neo-platonic written and oral sources, and while receiving the philosophies unfolding them further. In a following fruitful debate peripatetic understandings were facing intuitive paths of knowledge and vice versa. Human-Beingness seen as the hypostatic perfection of the universal intellect, descending into the finalized state of natural materiality or the crown of creation, the human which is understood by Ikhwān Al-Ṣafā (mid of 10th AC) in the context of Humanism (اإلنسانية).The communication of the human within the bio-spherical cosmos was philosophically reflected also in allegorical narratives, e.g., animal fables, among them The Case of the Animals versus Man (Ikhwān al-Ṣafā, ca. 960) and the novel The Self-Taught Philosopher / Philosophus Autodidactus (Ḥayy ibn Yaqżān by Ibn Sīnā and the Al-Andalusian Ibn Ṭufaīl d. 1185) which later became an example for Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe.
Human-Beingness endowed with reason is enabled to survive even when socially isolated on an island. In the philosophical narratives the human realizes potentialities of (self-) knowledge and, while applying it intensively and constantly in communication with and inside the biosphere, the intelligent soul rises-up to where it derived from, coming nearer to the One-ness / God in Islamic philosophies.
In the introduction to Reason, Spirit and the Sacral in the New Enlightenment. Islamic Metaphysics Revived and Recent Phenomenology of Life (IPOP 5) Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka emphasized: “Although in the symbiotic unfolding of life there emerges between the multifarious networks of intergenerative levels a closer and closer concatenation between the animal and the human, there it is that a seemingly unbridgeable gap opens in their communion.” (Tymieniecka, 2011)
This holds true for Everything-there-is-Alive (A.-T. Tymieniecka), minerals, plants, animals, humans and beyond. A comparison between the philosophy of Sufism and the phenomenology of Tymieniecka shows that Eco-imagination can be the beginning of self-knowledge. And self- knowledge, in turn, is the beginning of the path to the One Truth. The One Truth manifests itself in nature, man, and the divine message, which are the sources of knowledge. Eco-imagination is the unity and complementarity of thoughts from these sources.
The section aims at deepening the question of the symbiotic unfolding of life from a dialogical perspective of Islamic/ Asian philosophies and occidental phenomenology, thus in order to contribute to Eco-imagination and a sustainable future for life, including the human, the only responsible beingness for destructive interventions into the Bio- and Cosmosphere.
The conference welcomes contributions in different topics of interest, but are not limited to:
- Eco-imagination in Islamic Philosophies and Occidental Phenomenology
- Self-Knowledge and alterity
- Oneness in cross-cultural dialogue
- Symbiotics in the understanding of everything-there-is-alive
- Sustainable future(s) in Islamic and Asian philosophiesThe workshop "Problematising harmony, disrupting harmony: perspectives from philosophical traditions", organized by Professor Karyn Lai & Professor Chenyang Li.
Date: 19 & 20 May 2022Venue: Online via Zoom; In person (HSS Meeting Room 03-94)
Zoom Meeting: 873 0064 4447Security
Passcode: 952794 Kindly register your attendance by 13 May. conference "East Asian Analytic Buddhism" [School of Philosophy and Social Development, Institute of Concept and Reasoning, Shandong University, Jinan, China, 29-31 Oct. 2021] - see its "Call for Papers", "Invitation letter" and "Speaker titles and abstracts". Prof. Chang-Seong Hong (Minnesota State University Moorhead, USA), one CPWP member, is one of its invited speakers.
The symposium "EAST-WEST: Comparative Philosophy and World Situation" [Cres, Croatia, 26-29 September 2021] - see its "Conference Flyer" and "Application Form". Prof. Nevad Katheran (University of Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina), Vice President of CPWP Executive Board, and Prof Hrvoje Juric (University of Zagreb, Croatia) are Co-presidents of the Symposium Program Committee.
[Note: the new sources in this section are from participating CPWP members.]

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